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Unit C: Email messaging

What you learn

The aim of the training unit is to provide the "grandparents" the autonomous ability to succeed in the following tasks (provided they have a PC that is turned on and has an active internet connection with the Explorer browser installed):


  • To run the browser and verify the correct configuration of the email program
  • To send and read messages with the Gmail service
  • To manage the address book



 Moreover, the following cases will be considered by performing some training exercises:


  • To verify the connection of the email program and the email account configuration
  • To create a new email account
  • To write and send an email
  • Add attachments to the email messages
  • To read and organize the incoming messages
  • To manage the download of the files attached to the incoming messages
  • To organize the addresses book
  • How to protect the PC from spamming and virus

Operative details

The training unit will be essentially devoted to practical exercises. Moreover, in order to understand all the possibilities offered by the browser, some theoretical explanations will be provided which are useful to understand those functions that will not be possible to test during the lessons.


The “grandparents” will be asked to visit by means of the browser the pages of the GYM of the G&G project and to use the program to write and manage Outlook emails. The GYM pages will contain practical exercises to be done with the sOutlook oftware.

The “grandchildren” should follow the steps foreseen by the GYM didactic pages in order to transfer the theoretical concepts to the grandparent clearly, while the grandparent uses the email program, guided and assisted by the grandson.


GYM’s exercises associated to this training unit (Gmail access required)

  • E-mail: a new communication tool
    what is it, how does it work, for what can I use it?
  • Create an e-mail account with Gmail
    how can I access the e-mail service? how can I have an e-mail address?
  • Write and read e-mail messages
    who wrote the message? How can I read it? How can I find old messages?
  • Managing the contacts book
    how to create and manage the index book of e-mail addresses?
  • Create labels and filters to manage conversations
    how choose which messages I want to receive and which not
  • Sort the messages
    how to manage your personal e-mail folders
  • The language of the net
    the netiquette" e and how to use the “emoticons” in e-mail messages





Min  4 hours.



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