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 How to surf in the net - Links

All web pages contain, in addition to the text, many other elements.  

Among these the most important are the links (collegamenti).


Links are needed to connect web pages,

in order to go from one to another  

or within the same web site or between web sites.

They can also be associated to operations such as:

enlarging or viewing images, reproducing films and more.

This page provides examples of how links are usually presented on a web page. 


Sei passato sopra un link di un menu a tendina Sei passato sopra un link di un’immagine Sei passato sopra un link di un testo Sei passato sopra un link di un bottone  The "scroll down menus" are a list of links that allow you to choose quickly from numerous options. In this case the links seem hidden because you firstly have to view the menu and then the single titles.    


  Even the images are often ’active’ and can be, for example, enlarged or you can view the gallery.    


  The links that are used most are found in the text and are constituted by a single word or sentence. Usually, the words that are active (i.e. have a link) are underlined and in a different colour. In addition, when the mouse cursor is positioned over it, the text colour and size may change.   



  The "buttons" are graphic elements that are used to highlight a specific link. They usually contain a "note" which tells you what happens when it is clicked on.  





By moving the mouse, the cursor on the screen, the "arrow" , becomes a "hand" . This means that it is positioned on a link. By clicking, it is activated and the page is loaded.


If the cursor is moved in the yellow parts of the picture in the example the hand and the message describing the link appear. Nothing will happen if you click obviously because the link is "fake" and not connected to other pages.  


Usually, but not always, the colour of the links that have already been visited changes so that you can recognise which links have already been accessed and which are still to be visited.   





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