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Papers’ review and external links to our website (articles are in the original language)

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G&G has been presented in an article published by Učitel’ské noviny (Teachers news) a periodical circulating all over the network and all typolog ...
The article published on "Gazeta Gdanska" contains some interviews with participants to the consensus seminar expressing interest for the benefits of ...
The article published on the popular newspaper "Dziennik Baltycki" presents the opinions of participants to the Consensus Seminar held in Gdansk on 30 ...
The article present some experiences of both young and older participants of digital literacy training in frame of G&G project.
This article was published to present the training initiatives organised in the frame of the G&G project and invite elderly people of the city to take ...
This article present the training sessions foreseen for Grandparents and their motivation in learning computer and Internet literacy. The article pr ...
The article presets a description of the G&G project, its context, foreseen activities and stakeholders to be involved.
The article published in august contains a description of the G&G project.
The article published on the local newspaper of Gdansk contains a general description of the G&G project, it’s objectives and predicted results.
EAGLE - European Approaches to Inter-Generational Lifelong Learning, a SOCRATES GRUNDTVIG cooperation project aiming at exploring learning opportuniti ...
The European Vocational Training Association, partner of the G&G project for the dissemination activities, published in its electronic magazine E-ZINE ...
Informácia o projekte, v deviatich jazykových verziách (el en es et fi it pl sk sl), je dostupná v elearningeuropa.info. Bola aktualizovaná prostren ...
Computer e cellulari per gli over 65 ora i nipoti insegnano ai nonni di MICHELE SMARGIASSI Boom di corsi per insegnare i segreti di internet a ...
Anziani al computer L’assessore all'istruzione della reigone Friuli VG Roberto ANTONAZ «Gli anziani hanno molto da insegnare ai giovani, cosě ...
Nonni e nipoti assieme al computer Messaggero Veneto UDINE. «Gli anziani hanno molto da insegnare ai giovani, cosě come i giovani possono a loro ...