Prepare your start at Skype (1)


 Prepare your start at Skype (1)


Before starting Skype please make sure to have installed a headset to your computer or alternatively loudspeakers and a microphone. If you want to make use of video calls also a webcam needs to be installed. Sometimes the devices are already integrated in laptops or single devices as monitors.


The entrance to Skype is the sign-in window. It is displayed if you double-click on the Skype icon on the desktop. Please fill in your Skype name and your password. Then click on “sign me in”. Skype then will start.
Tip: You may choose an automatic start of Skype when you start the computer if you tick the field “Start Skype when computer starts” on the bottom of the sign-in window. If you also want that the access data don’t always need to be filled in then additionally tick “Sign me in when Skype starts”.


After the first start of Skype a welcoming window appears. You may select one of the topics or just click on the right picture to close this window and to arrive at the Skype start site which then appears.

The Skype start site looks like this. Sometimes it contains some advertisements on the white surface on the right.
On the left there is a column which is like a telephone book. As you are new on Skype there’s only the “Echo / Sound Test Service”.
The larger surface on the right serves as a homepage for the start of the communication and for the administration of one’s own profile.
If you want to test your headset or loudspeakers and microphone please click on “Echo / Sound Test Service”. Then on the right a new mainly white surface appears with a green button “call”. Switch on your loudspeakers first and make sure that your microphone is connected well to the computer. Or use your headset now which also needs to be connected well to your computer. Then click on “call”.
The look of the site changes. You should hear now the Skype Sound Test Service which introduces itself and then asks for a soundcheck afterwards. Please say something, it will be recorded. Afterwards you may listen to your record. If everything works well the sound settings are alright.
If you had problems please check if the devices are well connected to your computer: are all plugs in the computer, are there any switches or controls? If everything seems to be alright call again the Skype Sound Test Service again.
If there are still problems click on “Call” on the very top in the blue frame. A sub menu will open, please click on “Audio Settings”.
Within the “Audio settings” window you may change settings of the microphone and the loudspeakers if the “automatic adjustment” is not ticked. Move the blue circle on the line. After having changed the settings click on “Save” and then “Close” this window. Try the Skype Sound Test again.
Tip: If it is still not loud enough or if it is too loud another option could be to change the general volume settings of the computer. Please have a look at the system settings or click on the loudspeakler symbol close to the computer watch. Often also the loudspeakers or the headset has an option to change the volume as well.
If you have installed a webcam and if you want to check its settings click again on “Call” in the blue frame on the very top and in the sub menu on “Video” and in the following sub menu on “Video settings”.
In the window you may watch yourself, take a picture of yourself for your profile and of course you may change the settings of the webcam by clicking on the according button. If you are satisfied with the settings, please save and close the window.






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