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The Internet Gym is a set of web pages specifically developed for training purposes that will be used for "grandsons" in their teaching activity to the "grandparents". The set of webpages is available in each local language of the project partners, and will be used as a common reference by all the "grandsons" all around Europe.   


The manual given to the "grandparents" and the pedagogical handbook given to the "grandsons" will be referenced with the Internet Gym pages and exercises. That will allow and facilitate also the authonomous training of the "grandparents", that will have at their disposal an environment with which exercise and strentghten their digital skills.



The "catalog" of the available exercises follows: 

Practice Browsing Web pages - Unit A

The mouse (Updated 06/2008)
explore the mouse


Practice using the mouse (Updated 06/2008)
learn how to position the mouse cursor
Browse a website (Updated 06/2008)
exercise on how to browse a website [ www.geengee.eu ]  with Explorer 

Access a typical website (newspapers) (Updated 10/2011)
read an on-line newspaper [ www.guardian.co.uk]

Access a typical website (institutions) (Updated 10/2011)
visit the European Union website 

Access a typical website (commercial) (Updated 10/2011)
visit the largest library of the world 

Save documents and webpages on your PC’s disk (Updated 06/2008)
archive in the disk of your PC the information you don’t want to loose


Practice Searching and Finding informations in the Web - Unit B

Search for information in the world wide web (Updated 06/2008)
how to combine search keywords to identify what I am interested ineressa

Look and you shall find (Updated 06/2008)
try the "I feel lucky" Google’s function

Wikipedia and wikipedians (Updated 06/2008)
the largest (and more spontaneous) encyclopedia of the world

Practice Using the e-mail - Unit C

E-mail: a new communication tool (Updated 06/2008)
what is it, how does it work, for what can I use it?


Create an e-mail account with Gmail (Updated 06/2008)
how can I access the e-mail service? how can I have an e-mail address?

Write and read e-mail messages (Updated 06/2008)
who wrote the message? How can I read it? How can I find old messages?

Managing the contacts book (Updated 06/2008)
how to create and manage the index book of e-mail addresses?


Create labels and filters to manage conversations (Updated 06/2008)

how choose which messages I want to receive and which not


Sort the messages (Updated 06/2008)

how to manage your personal e-mail folders

The language of the net (Updated 06/2008)
the netiquette" e and how to use the “emoticons” in e-mail messages


Practice Social Networking: Skype - Unit D

 Use Skype for having a talk (Updated 09/2012)
 What is Skype and for what may it be used?


 Create a Skype account (Updated 09/2012)
 It is like receiving a telephone number


 Download Skype (Updated 09/2012)
 How to install the Skype software on your computer


 Prepare your start at Skype (1) (Updated 09/2012)
 Sign in and check the settings


 Prepare your start at Skype (2) (Updated 09/2012)
 Create an address book


 Telephone and video calls by Skype (Updated 09/2012)
 Try your first calls!


 Exercises with Skype (Updated 09/2012)
 Try out Skype in the G&G group!


Practice Social Networking: Facebook - Unit D

 Share your life with friends by Facebook (Updated 09/2012)
 Meet your friends online


 Create a Facebook account (Updated 09/2012)
 Your way to start on Facebook


 Settings (Updated 09/2012)
 Adapt your Facebook account according to your wishes


 Finding friends on Facebook (Updated 09/2012)
 Getting in contact with friends – a precondition to communicate and share information


 Communicate with your friends (Updated 09/2012)
 Write personal messages to single friends or several


 This was only the beginning (Updated 09/2012)
 Facebook offers much more than these basic applications


 Exercises with Facebook (Updated 09/2012)
 Try out Facebook in the G&G group! Form an opinion about Facebook in the G&G group!


Practice Writing programs: Open Office writer - Unit E

 What is a writer, how to recognize text files (Updated 01/2013) 


 Open - Create a writer file (Updated 01/2013) 


 How to save (Updated 01/2013) 


 Writer's toolbar (Updated 01/2013) 


 How to manage the text: selection and formatting (Updated 01/2013) 


 How to manage the text: Copying/Cutting and Pasting text (Updated 01/2013) 


 Printing (Updated 01/2013)