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Asociatia Observator pentru Dezvoltarea Învăţării Permanente

Str. Ştirbei Vodă nr. 76
010117, Bucharest



Contact person: Alina Gavriliţă

Function: Project coordinator

Telephone: +40 723163391



The Observatory for Lifelong Learning Development (ODIP) is an independent non-governmental and non-profit research organization involved in research, evaluation, training, consultancy and expertise activities in the field of promotion, development and implementation of lifelong learning policy, at both national and international level. ODIP is based in Bucharest, Romania, and was established in 2003.


The organisation’s main research areas are: lifelong learning policy, the link between vocational education, training and labour market, continuous training of adults, teacher training, e-learning methodologies, innovation and new technologies in education.

The ODIP research portfolio consists of extensive surveys at national and European levels in the field of lifelong learning, social partnership and education.


ODIP puts to good use the experience that its members have accumulated through various research and development activities, training and assessment projects with national and international organisations (European Training Foundation, UNICEF, European Council, European Economic and Social Committee).