



You have the possibility to change the settings of your profile. The default setting is for example that your profile and shared information are visible to everyone. If you prefer that your profile and your shared information are not visible to everybody click on the arrowhead on the very top on the right. A submenu will appear. Click in it on privacy settings.
The site “Privacy Settings” will appear. In the centre of the site you will see that the setting “Public” has a light-grey background, this stands for default.

You may change that by clicking on “Friends” as new default or you click on “Custom”. A new window will ask you for a selection to whom your profile shall be made visible and for whom it shall be hidden. If you are ready click on “Save changes”. You also may cancel this action and go back to the default setting.
On the overview site “Privacy settings” there are several options – please read them carefully and decide about the given options.
It is recommended to deal regularly with these privacy settings. The terms of Facebook sometimes change, new options arise or you make experiences while using Facebook which dispose you to change the privacy settings. Choose the settings which are in accordance with your personal needs regarding data security. Do not hesitate to exchange yourself with other Facebook users about the privacy settings to learn the different aspects.
Please also care for the account settings. If you click again on the arrowhead on the top and choose “Account Settings”. A site will appear with an overview about general settings like your password which may be changed here. If you want to watch the current settings click on “Edit”, if you want to change them as well. In this case confirm the changes by “Save changes”. If you want to leave the settings without changes click on “Cancel”.
On the left there is a navigation bar with further aspects of your account settings. Please also have a look at them. An example is “Notifications”. Here you can decide on messages you receive in case there are any news regarding your Facebook account. For example if someone wants to add you as a friend then you would receive an email.






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