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Consensus seminar in Morgongiori

On 13 June was held in Morgongiori, at the Town Hall, the first sardinian consensus seminar of the project G&G UPDATE . Mr. Renzo Ibba, Mayor of the City of Morgongiori, partner of the project, illustrated the salient points. He pointed out the importance of the 'digital literacy for the digital native people "over 55", emphasizing the relationship between the generations which will be created between grandparents and grandchildren, recalling also the values of cohesion and social development. The meeting was attended by Maurizio Manias (LAG Marmilla referent), Cristiano Tanas (coordinator of the Consorzio del Parco del Mondo Arci), Sabrina Freu (coordinator of the Centro di educazione ambientale e alla sostenibilità del Monte Arci), Anna Paola Onnis (referent of Società Cooperativa Sociale il Sole), Tiziana Onnis (representative of the Centro Territoriale Permanente distretto n.16 di San Gavino), Daniela Ciprelli (representative of the Servi Territoriali Sociali), Marianna Usai (reference of the Istituto Comprensivo di Ales) and Jessica Pistis (referent of the group of elderly Centro di Aggregazione Sociale).