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Task Force Training in Latvia

Task Force Training in Latvia training took place on 16/11/2012 in Microsoft Latvia office (Address: Zala iela 1, Riga).

14 teachers from 15 Latvian G&G schools (one teacher represented two schools) were present on this training session, which was led by Ralph Schneider (ZAWiW) and Aina Špaca (VISC). Two representatives from VISC In-Service Teacher Training and Projects Unit - Livija Zeiberte and Marta Spruge participated in this training as observers.


The first part of training was devoted to informing about G&G idea, project and to raise awareness and sensitize the audience about intergenerational communication and learning, seniors' ICT needs and possibilities of using ICT skills in everyday life situations.
The second part referred to G&G methodological and didactical tools - introduction of webpage and manuals and to planning of G&G trainings in schools.