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G&G ENHANCEMENT2, closing meeting in Trieste

The closing meeting of the project G&G ENHANCEMENT2 was held on the 27th of June 2013 in Trieste.
It was attended by all the partners of the project: EnAIP FVG (Italy), CVO (Belgium), Gezinsbond (Belgium), VDU (Lithuania), CECOA (Portugal), City of Buje (Croatia).
The meeting started with the speech of Mr. Gilberto Collinassi, who thanked all the partners for the great effort demonstrated during the project and confirmed the success of the initiative.
After a brief presentation of the results achieved by the partners in terms of number of training courses organized and number of grandaparents and grandchildrens involved, Mr. Pol Ostyn from Gezinsbond showed the video recorded in Belgium during a training session.

The most significant and positive aspect of the initiative underlined by all the partners was the relationship established between the elderly people and young children during the training sessions.

At the end of the meeting Mr. Philippe Chiabai illustrated the document "Recommendation for future development of the G&G activities".

In the afternoon a tour of the city of Trieste was planned and after that the common dinner.