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G&G UPDATE-Final conference in Rome

On 19th September was held in Rome, at "Spazio Europa" - Palazzo Campanari, the final conference of the project G&G UPDATE. The meeting was introduced by the project coordinator Gilberto Collinassi (ENAIP FVG) and then took the floor the partners ZAWiW (DE), VISC (LV), ODIP (RO), MOISELLE LE BLANC (IT) and municipality of Morgongiori (IT ). Were presented the results of the transfer and testing of the G&G methodology. Tutor, grandchildren and grandparents shared their experiences of the project. At the end of the meeting the National Agency LLP - Isfol took the floor providing guidance on the new EU program 2014 2020 - ERASMUS PLUS.














Lokacija: Rome-Palazzo Campanari
Začetek: 19/09/2013
Konec: 19/09/2013