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Lithuania - Classroom

Grandchildren are teaching Grandparents in Lithuania

On 27 of April at Vytautas Magnus university was the first training meeting with the “grandchildren“ of the project “G&G”. Grandchildren and Grandparents during training course were divided in two groups. On 4 and 18 of May were organized training course with one group, on 17 and 31 of May – with the second group. The training course was attended by 22 grandchildren and 17 grandparents. Some of grandchildren are teaching individually their parents or grandparents.

At first grandparents were taught basic computer skills, then they were taught how to use the Internet, how to create email account and use it, and at last how to create Skype account and communicate with other using it.








Location: Vytautas Magnus university
Begin: 04/05/2012
End: 31/05/2012