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Mezinieku primary school has given start to G&G

In the morning of 26 February G&G tutor Ineta Legzdina organized introductory seminar for 7 students of Mezinieku primary school located in Dobele municipality in Latvia.
7 grandchildren were introduced to project aims, structure and methodology. Tutor and students discussed potential obstacles related to fact that three grandparents having signed up for the course were of Russian nationality and not so good in Latvian. Other grandchildren offered them assistance during labs in case of any language barrier.
Later that day first G&G lab took place with presence of 7 grandmothers and 6 granddaughters featuring acquisition of the basic computer operations. The first emotions of grandparents after taking first steps towards ICT were mixed starting from
„I love it”, „will have to buy a computer now” to „my head spins” and „I can`t remember anything”.
The second lab was organized on 7 March. Grandparents made their teachers proud by demonstrating that they know how to switch on the computer by themselves.
This lab was dedicated to exploring the possibilities of Internet – browsing the homepage of Latvian Ministry of Welfare, playing out their favourite songs on YouTube etc.
Grandparents praised grandchildren for their good explanations and the overall atmosphere was very positive. And it`s only the beginning!





Location: Dobele - Latvia
Begin: 26/02/2013
End: 07/03/2013