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G&G graduated second training session in Lithuania

On 28 of March at Vytautas Magnus University was the last training meeting with the Grandchildren and Grandparents of the project “G&G”. The last lab turned out very pleasant as Grandparents worked individually, some of them already surfed in the internet and created accounts in social networks, were introduced with “Skype”.
After the last training session Grandparents and Grandchildren were presented with a certificate by the Head of Center for Vocational Education and Research - Vidmantas Tūtlys. After Graduating ceremony all participants were invited to continuing the tradition and taste G&G cake with the coffee. During informal part of meeting Grandparents and Grandchildren shared experiences and suggest that they would like further training in the future.








Location: Vytautas Magnus university - Kaunas - Lithuania
Begin: 28/03/2013
End: 28/03/2013