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Tutors Training Set

The tutors' role consists of different aspects regarding the preparation of the G&G seminars, of carrying them out and of their evaluation. They are the contact person for grandparents and grandchildren and they take responsibility for the success of the G&G seminars.
In the hand of G&G tutors are aspects of didactic planning such as methods, proceedings, institutional framework, the target group, learning goals and contents.



Those training units constitute the minimum common denominator of the "G&G tutors" training (4 modules, total length 14 hours, inclusive of 7 hours dedicated to assisted or autonomous practice).


They can be applied in every European country, although adapted in duration and extended in content on the base of the specific local needs:


  • Module 1 - G&G Model
  • Module 2 - Tutor’s Handbook
  • Module 3 - Standard Units
  • Module 4 - Advanced Units

MODULE 1 – G&G Model


The purpose of this module is to introduce and present the G&G model to the future tutors and in this way make more easy the use of the resources and tools developed by the G&G initiative.


Operative details

This training unit will be developed through the deepening of the following topics:

  1. Prezi Presentation: G&G initiative in the European contest
  2. G&G website: presentation of the architecture of the website
  3. Teaching material: Grandparents handbook, Grandchildren handbook, Training units and Internet gym


Min 2 hours (assisted or autonomous practice 1 hour)



MODULE 2 – Tutor’s Handbook


The aim of the module is to introduce and deepen the Tutor’s handbook with all the information needed to manage the G&G seminars.


Operative details

The Tutor’s Handbook is available at the following link:

  1. Tutor’s Handbook


Min 2 hours


MODULE 3 – Standard Units


The Standard Units represent the very basic approach to the world of internet, aimed to give the start-up skills to access the internet and send/read e-mail messages, motivating the participants to practice and use the services available on-line in their territory. The seminars are thus very short: we don’t want to worry and bother our "grandparents" with long classroom lessons and explanations, we prefer much more to see them practicing (assisted or alone) in the gym or at home, after the initial "kick-off" received by the "grandchildren".


Operative details

For every Standard Unit there are some Internet Gym, which are a set of webpages available in each local language of the project partners, and will be used as a common reference by all the "grandchildren" all around Europe.


The related Internet Gym are the follow:

  1. Unit A - Practice Browsing Web pages
  2. Unit B - Practice Searching and Finding informations in the Web
  3. Unit C - Practice Using the e-mail


Min 5 hours (assisted or autonomous practice 3 hours)


MODULE 4 – Advanced Units


The target of the Advanced Units is to provide advanced "grandparents" the autonomous ability to succeed in the some tasks, like Skype, Facebook and writer programs (Open office). The training unit is not designed for beginners in the group of “grandparents”. Basic knowledge of computers (e.g. an understanding of saving files) and the Internet are a pre-condition. But the unit also will be essentially devoted to practical steps and exercises which are explained thoroughly.


Operative details

For every Advanced Unit there are some Internet Gym, which are a set of webpages available in each local language of the project partners, and will be used as a common reference by all the "grandchildren" all around Europe.


The related Internet Gym are the follow:

  1. Unit D - Social Networking
  2. Unit E - Writing programs (Open office writer)


Min 5 hours (assisted or autonomous practice 3 hours)



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