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eLearning 2006

[Grandparents & Grandchildren]

eLearning 2006 programme
contract n. 2006-4529/001 – 001 ELE ELEB11




Project description

The project, supported by local authorities, associations and public and private organizations, is addressed to people aged over 55. It is intended, through the involvement of students of VET or upper secondary schools in the role of volunteer “digital facilitators”, to teach internet browsing and e-mail use to the elders, fostering thus their active digital citizenship role.


The main goal is to exploit and transfer at European level a low cost methodology of intergenerational involvement aimed to increase adult digital literacy promotion.

What we are working for 

  • Adult digital literacy improvement to promote and facilitate active citizenship: we intend to foster a process of local stakeholders involvement in low cost training activities aimed to develop the adult’s digital literacy levels thus allowing over 55 people to gain full citizenship in the digital society.


  • Activation of a training environment able to encourage inter-generational dialogue: the involvement of secondary upper school, VET and university students in the role of volunteer “digital educators” make of this ICT learning approach a tool to foster the encounter and crossing between generations. It will also allow inter-generational training strategies analysis and development.


  • Linguistic diversity and specific contents to address cultural issues: the project respects Europe’s linguistic diversity, producing results in several languages and appropriately addresses cultural issues and specific didactical contents taking in account the characteristics of the elders and of the Internet services vailable in each country. The exploitation of the results will be further increased by the start-up of a virtual community, among experts and local coordinators, to share experiences through a cooperative learning approach.


  • Modular approach to guarrantee high rate of transferability: it will be ensured mainly by the modularability of the training units and the possible application in every European country with very little adaptation (the latter concerning the contents of the on-line services provided locally).


  •  Low cost & local stakeholders to allow high level of sustainability: guaranteed by the low level of investments required to launch the initiative and to the easy adaptation of the products to new contexts, places and periods of time (all materials must be in the local languages). We want to identify the actors concerned and inform them of ways and means of using e-learning for promoting digital literacy and thereby contribute to strengthening social cohesion and personal development.


Direct beneficiaries

  • the elderly (over 55) which will be routed towards an active citizenship pathway thanks to the digital literacy they will achieve.


  • VET, secondary upper school and university students, who will improve their skills and knowledge in using Internet, acquire teaching skills in a one-to-one support environment and will better understand the needs, thoughts and capabilities of the generation of their grandparents.


Intermediate beneficiaries

  • upper secondary school, third age universities and VET training centres staff;


  • NGOs and other organizations active in the field of elderly care and active citizenship promotion;


  • policy makers at regional, local and national level, who will acquire a method to promote and organize, with a very low level of investment required, opportunities of cross-generation interaction and adult population digital literacy improvement with a significant social impact; policy makers at regional, local and national level, who will acquire a method to promote and organize, with a very low level of investment required, opportunities of cross-generation interaction and adult population digital literacy improvement with a significant social impact;


  • private companies which will establish new forms of cooperation with the local communities and find an opportunity to promote their products and services available on-line;


  • public organizations and other interested institutions that thanks to the web environment will have the opportunity to access the multilingual materials developed for dissemination purposes and to organize similar experiences in their local contexts (they will be only asked to give feed-back of their actions and to share the materials that might be developed).


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