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On Monday, May 28, 2012, from 10.00am to 12.00am, the second consensus seminar of G&G Project has been realized in Lazio region. The seminar was held ...
On Monday, May 28, 2012 from 18.00pm to 19.30pm the third consensus seminar of G&G Project has been realized in Basilicata region. The seminar was hel ...
The 24th and 25th of May 2012, the 2th partner's mobility meeting of the “G&G Enhancement2” project have been held in Bruxelles and Waregem. The meeti ...
On 25 April, 2 & 9 May 2012 Gezinsbond and CVO Waregem organized 3 try-out sessions of the Grandparents & Grandchildren project - Dutch version. The s ...
With the first training for Grandchildren, held on the 5th of May at the Open University, the G&G initiative officially started in Buje. A second trai ...
Grandchildren are teaching Grandparents in Lithuania On 27 of April at Vytautas Magnus university was the first training meeting with the “grandchi ...
On the 2th of may was started another course with new "Grandparents" and new "Granchildrens" at Enaip Pasian di Prato (Ud).           ...
On Friday, April 27, from 14.00 to 16.00, took place the first consensus seminar of the Project G&G in Lazio (region of Italy). The seminar was held ...
On Friday, April 13th the „G&G Update” informative seminar took place in Riga State Gymnasium No.3 (Riga, Latvia) with participation of project partne ...
The video with the interviews to grandparents and grandchildren during the ongoing G&G seminars in ENAIP at Pasian di Prato.     Nonni e nipoti i ...
A G&G session go 3 hours in 50 seconds! have a look...     Nonni e nipoti: una lezione in 50 secondi from ENAIP Friuli Venezia Giulia on Vimeo.
On 8th of march was started another course with new "Grandparents" and new "Granchildrens" at Enaip Pasian di Prato (Ud).             ...
On 26th of january it was started another course with new students at the Enaip Pasian di Prato (Ud).                  
G&G course with 8 students at the Enaip Pasian di Prato (Ud).                      
The ENAIP FVG's grandchildren training in Pasian di Prato (Udine) ITALY